Resultados de la búsqueda

    7 Resultados
  • Andrea Lennon - Chief Client Officer - posee un Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Communication Arts de Marymount Manhattan College.
  • Claire Biermaas - President, Corporate Partnerships - posee un Bachelor of Arts in Communications de Marymount Manhattan College.
    Cencora - Farmacia - Estados Unidos
  • Laura Lentini - Senior Vice President, Corporate Controller - posee un Bachelor of Science in Accounting de Marymount Manhattan College.
    Capri Holdings - Lujo - Estados Unidos
  • Gloria Bohan - President and Chief Executive Officer - se graduó en Marymount Manhattan College.
    Omega World Travel - Entretenimiento & Viaje - Estados Unidos
  • Ryan Schulke - Chairman of the Board and Chief Strategy Officer - posee un Communications Degree in Media de Marymount Manhattan College.
  • Elaine McKiernan - Executive Vice President, Global Business Development - se graduó en Marymount Manhattan College.
  • Toffer Grant - Chief Executive Officer - posee un Bachelor of Arts in Communications de Marymount Manhattan College.

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